Welcome to another addition of Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. I did not enter Gianni into a "doggy diva fashion show" this week! That would be so silly! He did not win a second place trophy in the "cutest dog" category. He was not obviously the cutest one there! The judges were not completely off the mark! I did not walk a "dogwalk" (ha, ha, get it?) with my 5 month old puppy. We did not get invited to be on a nationally syndicated radio show with Sophie the Doggy Diva. G did not have his picture taken for the Sarasota Pet magazine. This is not a photo of Gianni actually smiling with his trophy.

This is not our vet's office.

We did not miss our member recognition day at church yesterday. Dave is not in the middle of a critical update on his site which prevented him from going anywhere. I did not glom (I am pretty sure that is not a real word but I do not like it anyway) on to Dave's inability to leave and stay home because I was not soooooo tired! I do not feel kind of guilty even though I have not missed a day of church in almost two years! Maddie and I did not go to Walmart to get a few things as a great excuse to go to Panera for lunch. Maddie did not have a concert at Epiphany Cathedral on the island. It was not beautiful! I did not become offended when they started to pass around baskets and tell everyone when they were 2/3 of the way done that they were collecting to repair their organ! That was not cool! The audience did not think the money was being collected for the Choral Boosters organization! We are not starting to prepare for our upcoming trip to NY. We do not wish we could take Gianni with us. I did not look into the cost only to find out that it would be about $350. We will not miss him so much! (I think Dave will not miss him most of all, as Gianni is his constant companion when Maddie and I are out much of the day!) Gianni does not LOVE his daddy!

I am not having one of the most relaxing Mondays ever. I did not go back to bed after Maddie left for school and sleep until almost 11:00! That is not completely out of character for me. I am not still in my nightgown even as I write this post with a cup of coffee at my side at 1:00pm in the afternoon! I have not accomplished very little today. I am not enjoying every minute of it. I do not have a very busy week for the rest of the week. I do not need this mental health day! I do not love you all bunches! Do not have a blessed day,
This is not our vet's office.
We did not miss our member recognition day at church yesterday. Dave is not in the middle of a critical update on his site which prevented him from going anywhere. I did not glom (I am pretty sure that is not a real word but I do not like it anyway) on to Dave's inability to leave and stay home because I was not soooooo tired! I do not feel kind of guilty even though I have not missed a day of church in almost two years! Maddie and I did not go to Walmart to get a few things as a great excuse to go to Panera for lunch. Maddie did not have a concert at Epiphany Cathedral on the island. It was not beautiful! I did not become offended when they started to pass around baskets and tell everyone when they were 2/3 of the way done that they were collecting to repair their organ! That was not cool! The audience did not think the money was being collected for the Choral Boosters organization! We are not starting to prepare for our upcoming trip to NY. We do not wish we could take Gianni with us. I did not look into the cost only to find out that it would be about $350. We will not miss him so much! (I think Dave will not miss him most of all, as Gianni is his constant companion when Maddie and I are out much of the day!) Gianni does not LOVE his daddy!
I am not having one of the most relaxing Mondays ever. I did not go back to bed after Maddie left for school and sleep until almost 11:00! That is not completely out of character for me. I am not still in my nightgown even as I write this post with a cup of coffee at my side at 1:00pm in the afternoon! I have not accomplished very little today. I am not enjoying every minute of it. I do not have a very busy week for the rest of the week. I do not need this mental health day! I do not love you all bunches! Do not have a blessed day,
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