Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. OK, here I go with my first ever "Not Me! Monday" post. First and foremost, I absolutely did not stalk my friend Travis' amazing blog Created for His Glory to get ideas of exactly what to do for this post! That would have been kind of pathetic. This Saturday on the way to a get together with many of the same people that were at Dave's party (where I dumped his cake on the floor moments before serving it) I certainly did not spill at least half of the cherry fluff I had just made all over the back seat floor of my car. Oh, and I did not just have my friend Craig the superior carpet cleaner clean the upholstry two weeks ago. Yesterday I did not get stung by yet another fire ant on the very same hand that was covered with stings last week (gross and itchy.)
Dave did not play paintball Saturday morning with 12 of his buddies and have an amazing time! The women are not planning on going next time to get in some girl-power! While Dave was warring, Maddie and I did not meet some friends at Panera for breakfast and then stop at a roadside "petting zoo" where we saw a tiger
and a camel.
We did not all get together at the Crites afterwards and have a great time which included swimming in the pool and hanging out in the jacuzzi. Maddie did not get a new bathing suit which she is not wearing in this picture.
I did not bring Gianni in the jacuzzi where he sat on my and Maddie's laps for about an hour. Gianni did not have an awesome time playing with his half-brother Casey Crites. Casey is not a Maltese/Yorkie mix while Gianni is not a Maltese/Pomeranian mix.
I did not take Gianni for a ride today to pick up Maddie and he did not slime me and himself up so badly that I had to give him a bath when we got home. I did not bring Maddie to Vertical (her youth group) wearing my slippers so I did not get out and say "Hi" to everyone. I am not so grateful that I have no jobs tomorrow so I can spend the day cleaning my house (which is not a mess) so I can not have about 20 people over for our bible study tomorrow night. Our bible study is not so awesome that it grows bigger every week! I am not running late picking Maddie up because I am not enjoying this purging so much that I can NOT stop writing!!! I am not signing off now and I do not love you all bunches! 
Thanksgiving 2012
12 years ago
1 comment:
I do NOT love your post, you did NOT do it perfectly!! I should NOT have warned you this purging is NOT addictive!!
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