Welcome to another addition of Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by
MckMama. You can head over to
her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. It is not wildfire season here in Florida. It has not been so dry that the other day when it rained (for about 5 minutes), we realized that our puppy had no idea what was happening. He did not go out onto the lanai and just stand there looking up! These are not some photos of fires in North Port which is about 10 miles south east of Venice.

Well, other than the excitement of the fires, I have not been having a very busy, yet rather uneventful life. Since we are not planning on travelling to NY for my brother Evan and his bride Tara's wedding in nine days, I have not had to cram all of my week's worth of regulars into the time before and after the trip. This has not resulted in a rather uneventful posting for all of you to read as I have not been too busy to give it much thought. I was not almost 20 minutes late picking Maddie up from La Voce de Venizia practice today because I underestimated how long a new client would take. Our family did not spend a good portion of Saturday putting together the universal exercise equipment that our friends the Crites gave us. Very cool! Below is not a photo of these same musically talented friends performing with the praise and worship team from their church at an event at the Venice Christian School. Mark is not the one playing guitar on the left and Chris is not the one singing on the right. Their daughter Maddie is not standing next to her mom. That is not our friend Rick in the back playing drums. We are not in a bible study with Rick and his wife Terri and we did not go to an awesome pool party at their house last week. They do not live on a lake and have a heated pool and jacuzzi that we did not spend time in. Our Florida friends are not a lot of fun to hang out with!

The Crites are also not the owners of Casey, half brother and beloved playmate of our puppy Gianni. In this photo Gianni has not stolen Casey's chew toy and he is not ignoring him to eat it!

As warned, I am not completely out of material and I am not signing off to go watch Biggest Loser! Do not have an awesome day. God bless,