Monday, January 12, 2009

Adventures at the dog park

We are happy to have our own dog to take to the dog beach these days. In the past we have taken our friend Donna's standard poodle Jazz while babysitting. It is always fun, but we kind of felt like possers! Plus, all of the dog owners discuss their dogs vital stats and we just don't know all of Jazz's info. It is amazing how much of a community it is there. The dogs all get along great and seem to have an amazing time playing together. Gianni fit right in, after his intitial fearful reaction to being charged by a pair of Shelties who wanted to check him out. He plays like crazy, goes in the water, which is a riot, and sleeps like an angel when we get home. Here are some photos. I hope everyone is having a good week. God bless,

Friday, January 2, 2009

Musical Holidays

As many of you know, in the Percey household, we like to sing. A lot! And if we don't know the words, we make them up. Sometimes even when we do know the words, we make up our own. It is one of our hobbies! Well, Maddie has been blessed to have a beautiful voice and has been putting it to very good use this season. She is in three choirs at school including the select choir called "Le Voce de Venezia". (The Voices of Venice) They are amazing! They perform all over town at various functions. At one point Maddie had six shows in one week! We also all had the pleasure of being in a new group at our church called the "Bridge Ensemble." We performed about eight songs in the form of telling the Christmas story. It was a lot of fun. Maddie even had a solo in "Oh Holy Night". She sang the entire third verse by herself! We were all very impressed! I have included a few photos. I didn't have my nice new camera then, so please forgive the limited selection and quality! I also wish I could figure out a way to include audio. I am working on that. Much love and blessings,

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy 2009! May it be a blessed and wonderful year for us all. Today's post will be quick, I'm feeling rather lazy today after yesterday's excitement. Dave spent the morning having a boating lesson on the Intercoastal Waterway while Maddie and I went and did a quick job. After that we took a picnic lunch to the marina and joined him on the boat. We spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the sites along the intercoastal. It was a blast! I took a bunch of pictures of the houses, the scenery, us on the boat and a very friendly dolphin named Moochie who came up along side the boat a couple of times. I could have reached out and touched him! Awesome! Anyone who knows me from my childhood knows that I longed to be a Marine Biologist and that dolphins have always been one of my favorite animals. I can't even believe I live in a place where they are a common site! God is so good! I also have a friend of a friend who is a marine biologist and is in charge of keeping an eye on the local manatee population, as well as rescuing them if anyone calls in a problem. I signed us up for the volunteer rescue list. Anyway, after our afternoon of boating we went out to dinner at our latest great find, the Rendezvous Cafe. It is about two minutes from our house and reminds us of our favorite diner up north, Bob's. (I hear that they have closed by the way. Can anyone confirm or deny that for me?) Well, this cafe is open 24/7 and has a sign on the window that says "Open all hurricanes and holidays". Isn't that cool? They have great food at reasonable prices and an outdoor eating area where you sit in these swinging, covered picnic tables. We love it. So, after dinner we went to a great party at our friends the Crites house. There was live Christian music, most of the people from our church were there, and just a general fun time. We ended up leaving Gianni at the Williams house with Maddie and Casey and Corey. That was probably best because there were so many people and he is little and underfoot. Today was just a very lazy and relaxing day. Maddie and I did manage to get in a bike ride though, on our way to and from dinner at Craig and Amy's house, which is 1.7 miles from ours. Well, I will sign off now as I still have many pictures to post. Love and God Bless to all!