Thursday, February 19, 2009

Where does the time go?

I have been so busy the last month! I am very blessed that Venice Cleaning is in full swing and doing well this season at such a tough time in the economy. I haven't done very well keeping up with my blog. Sorry! Here is a collage of some family photos that didn't make it in anywhere else. (They are somewhere on the right side. I can't seem to figure out how to keep my relevent photos next to the posts they go with! Please bare with my very limited web design skills.) Hey, come to think of it, I believe I do know an actual webmaster that could probably help. Hmmmm.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Gram and Dave!

The prettiest Gram ever!
The party goers.
The revelers

Dave blowing out the candles on his ill-fated cake!

January brought two special days in our family. My beautiful, young looking grandmother turned 80 and my honey Dave turned 36! I hear my gram had a great birthday. Sorry we couldn't be there to celebrate with you Gram.For Dave's birthday we had a party at a local italian restaurant, ironically called Gianni's (no we did not name our puppy after the pizza place!) We enjoyed the company of a bunch of our friends and really had an awesome time. I think one of the big highlights for everyone was when I dropped Dave's cake upside down on the floor right before I was about to cut it! Praise the Lord that I had a second cake, so I didn't panic too much. Thanks everyone for helping make the best of a rather embarrassing moment! I am sure I will be asked to bring my famous "upside-down cake" to every church event from now on.

Gianni and Neko